Thursday, December 6, 2012

Face of Autism

Alot of people arent even aware what Autism is..a child with Autism doesnt look any different than any other child..they just few the world differently and have trouble communicating.Alot of people mistake them for being bad kids when they see them throwing a tantrum, or blame the parent for the way the child is acting...saying there is lack of  discipline for the child to behave the way they are..which is not the case at all.. Here is my precious son who has non-verbal Autism.He doesnt give you much eye contact. He flaps his hands when excited or over stimulated (very sensitive to sounds) and likes to spin in circles, and he also has SPD (sensory processing disorder) so he cant eat certain textures foods, like yogurt, mashed potatoes, pudding.. SPD usually goes along with Autism. He has little obsessions like balloons, balls, and bubbles..goes crazy when he sees them..he will throw a big tantrum over way to control it or take his focus off of what it is he is obsessing over. He gets frustrated because he cant tell us what he needs or wants, which is frustrating for me and his dad too. It is hard for a child with Autism to son doesn't understand much of what you say to him..Our words dont make sense to a child with Autism..Our words our Blah, Blah, Blah, to them. I really wish people would stop judging children with Autism and the parents. Until you have walked the path and done the Journey into Autism you really dont have a clue.

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