Saturday, October 20, 2012


So i took my son who is almost 3 to be tested, because his therapy ends when he turns 3 through the first steps program he is in...they want to put him in a preschool program to continue early intervention the day after his 3rd birthday. They said he tested low on almost everything, a few things he did ok on, they put him in the mild Autism catergory and said that he does qualify to go to school early.
I am so worried about him going to school..They want to put him in a regular school..with normal children when he isn't like other children.He has no means to communicate, he doesn't talk nor does he  know sign language, i have been trying to teach him but he doesn't watch you to learn, children with Autism don't look at you, so its hard to teach sign language to them. Not saying that is the case with all children on the Spectrum of Autism because every child with Autism is different, they may have some of the same characteristic behaviors but each child is different who has Autism.(wanted to clarify) Its frustrating that i cant get him to look at me to teach him sign language. I may get lucky and get a second or two of eye contact every now and then..but not enough to learn what i am trying to teach him.
It worry's me that he cant tell me if someone was mean to him or someone hurt him. And that he takes off and doesn't respond to you yelling his name, he would very easily run out in front of a car, he doesn't know or understand danger. He puts things in his mouth he shouldn't and could choke, are they going to be able to watch him and his every action, along with 19 other children in the classroom who are active, normal children? I read stories all the time on the internet about disabled children getting abused..Have you read that book "Mom i wish i could tell you what they did to me in school today"? O.M.G. ..i am really worried and a little bit freaking out about him going to school!

Alot of me being a overprotective mother is  me loosing my first son tragically..It has made me a very paranoid person when it comes to my kids.Especially Matthew who is just about to turn 3 and who has non verbal Autism. I just got married in April and i took my son with me on my honeymoon, i wouldn't have been able to enjoy myself if i didn't. Am i being to paranoid when worrying about my son going to school? I would love some feedback.

They feel he would strive the best being around normal functioning children. So he will learn how he is suppose to act, he will watch them and learn. Because i suggested maybe he should be put in a school with other children with Autism..they said they feel that we should at least see how he is gonna do for the rest of this school year. They want to observe his behavior and  see if he learns and participates and see if he will engaged and function in a normal classroom first.I think i am going to worry myself to death when he starts school in less than a month! Anyone feedback is appreciated, thank you!

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